History of the agency
Oakbend medical center was started on July, 1947 as part of an initiative by Mr. and Mrs. A. P. George. The couple invited various citizens that jointly assessed the need of medical care and agreed upon the establishment of Polly Ron Memorial Hospital. In 1947 the hospital was chartered as non-profit medical facility. The facility has undergone various expansions and renovations throughout the years with major changes being made in 1957, 1969 and 1986. After successive expansions the facility began offering training to practitioners and was finally renamed as the Oakbend Medical Center (Oakbend Medical Facility, 2012).
The mission statement of the agency:
“To advance the quality of life and health for every person we touch” (Oakbend Medical Facility, 2012).
The goals and the future plans of the agency:
“To be the preferred choice of physicians, patients, employees and volunteers by providing unsurpassed service and care” (Oakbend Medical Facility, 2012).
List services/programs offered by the agency:
Signature services offered by Oakbend Medical Facility include cancer services, heart services, women services and stroke services. Other services also provided include wound care services, nursing and clinical services as well as health and fitness services (Oakbend Medical Facility, 2012)
The agency’s healthcare goals/priorities for this year and for 5 years are the following:
The medical facility prioritizes client satisfaction, and its major goal for the year is to be the most modern and preferable health facility in the community it serves (Oakbend Medical Facility, 2012).
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Physical Location
Physically survey the agency location.
Is the agency easy to locate? Describe the physical location. Is there adequate parking? Is the agency clearly marked? Does the site appear to be well-maintained? Is the location near public transportation?
Oakbend Medical Facility can be easily located via maps that are readily available online. The facility is located on Jackson Street and has close proximity to a good, public road network that allows easy physical access.
Description of the lobby or waiting area of the agency. The forms of security in the clinic (i.e., locked doors, badge access, security cameras)?
The lobby at the entry to Oakbend Medical Facility is spacious, well lit and accommodating with a big waiting area. The lobby offers the patients, their families and friends a place to wait for services. Practicing personnel use identity tags and wear uniforms that make them stand out from the patients, their families, friends and other staff. Closed circuit surveillance cameras can be seen from the lobby on strategic positions. These are meant to ensure that there is surveillance round the clock. Additionally, all entries have lockable doors and emergency exits at appropriate locations. All these factors add security of the facility and ensure that there is greater safety within the facility. There is also physical presence of guards near and around the main entrances to the lobby.
The types of signage. Provision of brochures or pamphlets. Available information:
The facility provides much of its information online, but they also provide pamphlets and other service-specific leaflets at the lobby, which can be used by clients inquiring about service delivery or directions within the facility.
Description of the people in the waiting area (i.e. sex, age, race, and ethnicity). Estimation of the percentages based on observations:
The lobby was fully packed at the time of access, perhaps because it was early morning. There were people from virtually all ethnicities, but there were notably more white people than any others (approximately 65% white). There were more females than males and more young children and aged people than middle-aged people (approximate distributions could be 40% of children, 35% of the elderly people and 25% of the middle-aged people.)
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Agency Policies
Who regulates the clinical site:
Oakbend Medical facility is owned and run by the government as a district hospital. The hospital is under leadership of the board of directors, which decides on pertinent issues of the running of the medical facility.
How the clinical site is funded:
The clinical site is publicly funded and it receives part of its funding from the state and the federal funding plans.
Agency’s Outcomes/Evaluation
How the agency personnel determine if the healthcare goals/priorities are being met:
The measurement of patient satisfaction in terms of quality and prompt delivery as well as the re-admission rates for specific conditions form the basis of assessing the quality of healthcare delivery at the facility. This helps in gauging the preference levels as well as the quality of service.
To what extent the healthcare goals/priorities have been met:
Oakbend Medical Facility is highly rated among the served community and professional practitioners, and this can be exemplified by high number of returning clientele and preference in choice among other facilities within the same proximity. This implies that the facility has attained its goal of being the number one, the preferred facility in the community.
Agency Employee (Interview Questions)
The following interview questions have been asked. The information has been probed to develop a complete sense of the agency, clients and community.
The services offered by the agency:
The complete list of comprehensive services offered include: specialty services – urology, respiratory therapy, cardiology, MRI scanning, lithotripsy, orthopedics, day surgery, pain management, sports medicine, otolaryngology, occupational therapy, pulmonary rehabilitation, emergency medicine, telemetry, endoscopy, nuclear medicine, CT scanning, physical therapy, pediatrics, nephrology, sleep disorders, general surgery, podiatry, ultrasound, mammography, industrial medicine, pathology, trauma care, intensive care, radiology, oncology, ophthalmology, gynecology, bone density, neurology, obstetrics, medicine program and women’s health services (Oakbend Medical Facility, 2012).
the most common health problems of clients served by the agency:
Four the most common health problems experienced by clients that visit the agency include pneumonia, heart failure, obesity and type II diabetes.
The most common reasons for referral when clients are referred to other agencies, and to what agencies the clients are referred:
A large number of referrals include the old population of clients that are referred to the homes of the elderly where they receive specialized care for their conditions, which are mainly associated with aging. There are no specific facilities recommended, but the clients are encouraged to choose facilities of their own choice.
Description of the income profile of clients (i.e. range, average and poverty rates). Estimation of the percentages:
The per capita income for the population seeking services at Oakbend Medical Facility stands at $ 17,911 dollars. The median household income for the population is $ 40,114 dollars. People living below the poverty line and seeking services at the facility make up 34.7% (United States Census Bureau, 2012).
Description of the clients (i.e. sex, age, race, ethnicity) served by agency. Estimation of the percentages:
The racial profile of the patient population shows that white people make up a bigger part of the population served at the facility with a percentage of 65. Black people are second with the population percentage of 21. The Asian people follow them closely with a percentage of 1. There are also people reporting two or more races, and these make up 2.5% of the population. The white, non-Hispanic made up the rest of the percentage (United States Census Bureau, 2012). The percentage of females served at the facility is way above the male patient population by approximately 11% percent.
The number of clients served by this clinical agency (i.e. clients per day, week, month, or year):
Oakbend Medical facility serves an estimated 6,443 in-patients annually. Annual deliveries at the facility reach approximately 1,242. The annual outpatient approximations reach 27,433, whereas annual emergency room visits reach an estimated level of 26,325 (Oakbend Medical Facility, 2012).
Description of 3 lifestyle risk behaviors:
Three the most commonly identified lifestyle risk behaviors include smoking, sedentary living and consumption of high-fat diet and abuse of alcohol among other hard drugs.
Agency Client (Interview Questions), if a client cannot be interviewed, continues asking an agency employee the following questions:
What are the strengths of the community:
The community has a quick response mechanism for emergency cases and this has prevented overcrowding of the emergency department (ED). Service is prompt in the ED, and that has saved a lot of lives.
What are the community problems in the following areas:
Safety & Crime: Aggravated assault is the highest type of crime within the population that accesses the facility, and unfortunately, it takes place in the family setup (City-Data.com, 2012).
Health: Obesity, Pneumonia and type II diabetes are the most prevalent health problems witnessed at the facility.
Transportation: There are few problems with regard to transport because there are comprehensive and easily accessible road networks in the location. However, there is a high prevalence of road accidents caused by careless driving and cases of driving under the influence.
Other: Lack of sufficient public recreational facilities, public exercise grounds and crammed-up residential areas in some sections are to blame for the prevalence of obesity and overweight conditions among the population.
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Discuss 3 health and safety needs of the community (i.e. services, programs, etc):
The health challenges in the community include obesity, type II diabetes and cardiovascular conditions. These three health challenges are correlated because they primarily result from overweight and obese conditions, which are a direct result of poor diet and sedentary lifestyle (Aznar & Luis, 2010). As such, the community has a need of more physical exercise and recreational facilities for its youthful population. Additionally, there is a need for development of an appropriate training program that will teach students and parents on how to adopt a proper dieting program, which will prevent the prevalence of obesity and other conditions related to it. Free check-up programs for early detection of cardiovascular conditions and type II diabetes are also a necessary part of programs for this community, which is at a higher risk of these conditions. This will help in the early identification and handling of the problem.
Analysis and Summary: Analysis and summary of the information that was observed and recorded. Based on this information obtained in this assignment only, there is a summary of the key issues focusing on health and safety issues for this population:
The population seems to have poor dieting and exercise regimes, which result from sedentary life. This has, in turn, contributed to higher levels of obesity, type II diabetes and higher prevalence of cardiovascular conditions (Aznar & Luis, 2010). There is a need for development of educational programs within this community to educate the members about the essence of proper dieting and exercising so as to avert such conditions. Additionally, there is a need to increase the availability of facilities that can allow the community members to engage in physical exercises for better health. The high rates of observed aggravated assault cases within homes bring to question issues of security and more so, the family harmony. This is also an indicator of psychosocial problems that need to be addressed through psychological family counseling approaches for the community.
Community Health Nursing Diagnoses: There are two priority community health nursing diagnoses. Health Risk/problem of specific injury, illness, or potential of, complications of, etc. among specific population related to supporting evidence.
Community Health Nursing Diagnoses #1
High risk of obesity-related conditions such as type II diabetes and cardiovascular conditions. The medical facilities record higher levels of overweight and obese among young people predisposed to these conditions. Preschool obesity rates at16.2% and adult obesity rates at 25.8% are alarming for the community and an indicator of the weight control problem.
Community Health Nursing Diagnoses #2
Prevalence of assault cases within families indicates a socio-psychological health problem in the society. The rate of 48 cases in the highlighted period indicates failure of the family as an institution. There is a need for public forums within institutions and public set-ups that can address issues of family relations. Counseling and religious approaches would perhaps offer the best solution to the family matters.