Religion Essays

Debate on Christianity

Pro My Emperor Diocletian, as you may have been aware, the spread of Christianity made some of our senators worried, that it may threaten the ultimate authority the Roman Empire has on its multiple lands. They refer to the threats this cult can bring to our customs and principles, skewing the right from wrong and…

Interpretation of the Passage on the Book of Romans 5:1-21

The idea of salvation is one of the basic concepts in many religions. From the beginning of beliefs, like from the very beginning of humanity’s intelligent Weltanschauung, humans had a tendency to dualism, which was reflected in the beliefs as well.

The Trinitarian Triangle

Introduction In most of the mainstream denominations in Western Christendom one of the outstanding doctrines is the dogma of the Holy Trinity. According to this doctrine the Christian Godhead consists of the Trinity of three people who form the unity: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The doctrine is one of the oldest…

Report of the Teachings of the Buddha

Kornfield, the author of The Teachings of the Buddha, is one of the most recognized and prominent teachers of the Buddhism in the US. His book provides the basic concepts and interpretations of the religion and gives the practical advice and recommendations for the readers. The book contains texts from the original scriptures and provides…

Religion in Over The Fence

The poem Over The Fence like many others by Emily Dickinson depicts the theme of religion in a peculiar way. Dickinson had a way of expressing religion, which could seem unusual to most Christians at that time and even today. Most people consider God with reverence and respect, which Dickinson seems to overlook. It is…

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