Christian Values

Inspired by Christian values and its dedication to work with the world’s most vulnerable people, World Vision is a nonprofit global relief, development and advocacy organization that prides itself in working with children, families and communities that suffer from social injustices such as civil wars, marginalization and whom poverty has taken toll regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender.

World Vision employs strategic planning to plan its humanitarian activities. This is to utilize the limited resources and to ensure that the neediest people are assisted, as organization’s Australia Program Strategic Plan 2009-2011, indicates. Tim Costello, World Vision Australia Chief Executive says, “Successfully addressing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander disadvantage requires genuine engagement.” This shows the commitment of the organization to proper planning and lying out of objectives.

Vision Based Strategic Management

This is the most basic strategic planning model that is applied by organizations that are relatively new to strategic management, very busy and relatively have the smaller managerial personnel. The top-level management of the organization is responsible for carrying out planning. Implementation time for this model is around a year during the introduction. In subsequent years, this model is improved adapt to the changing organization requirements. The main basic strategic planning processes include identifying the purpose of the organization by defining the mission statement, which are words describing the reason as to why the organization exists (Johnson, 2003). The next process is the vision statement which describes to clients the state of the organization in the near future. Goals are then set which shows what the organization will do in order to accomplish its tasks.

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Real Time Strategic Planning

This new era strategic planning model is trying to fit into the changing world that sees the conventional strategic planning models get outdated because they cannot be relied to plan for long-term strategic plans. In this model, strategic planning is done on the fly that is dynamic and changes to fit the given situation (Piana, 2008). To implement this model, the mission, vision and values are discussed and put out clearly and documentation is properly done to ensure that any future changes are identified easily and communicated back.

Vision Based versus Real-Time Strategic Planning

The similarities between the two above-described models are that both are mission-oriented, vision and value oriented. Before the planning begins using these models, the stakeholders must outline the reasons behind the project to be undertaken (mission), the position of the company as seen by its clients after implementing the strategic plan (values) and ethics to be adhered to ensure the objectives of the plan are achieved (values). The major difference between these two models is that Vision Based strategic planning majors future plans for the organization that is, they are long-term plans. On the other hand, Real Time Strategic planning dwells on the current or near future plans that an organization may wish to implement.

Organizations have both long term and short term goals that have to be obtained, therefore, a hybrid of the model that incorporates both Real Time and Vision Based models has to be created so that the process of achieving the organization’s goal seems seamless, a model that is a fusion of these two above

The method I would choose for my organization is the Vision Based Strategic planning model. This is aided by the fact that this model has well clear-cut goals that have been planned for a given period in the future. That notwithstanding, the planning processes are sequential and clearly well defined and understandable to investors, staff and clients of the organization.

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