Wound management is one of the activities that are preferred to be undertaken in the home based care program. Chronic wounds take over 28 days before they start healing or takes over eight weeks before healing. In most cases, chronic wounds result from compromised body defense mechanism, or in cases where the individual is suffering from conditions such as diabetes. Compromised blood circulation leads to ischemia of the cells resulting to necrosis and finally death of the cells. For effective wound management, the patient has to be fully evaluated for the causes and predisposing factors for the wound development. It is worth noting that people are unique and thus requires individualized evaluation. Conclusive patient history and a thorough physical examination should be carried out for enough information needed for planning care (Ellenbecker et al., 2008).
In the management of wounds, previous practices play a vital role in decision-making. The management usually includes both treatment and non-pharmacological care for fast and adequate healing (Slachta, 2008). The environmental conditions, such as temperature, humidity, dust and sanitation do vary from place to place. Therefore, management from one area may not be recommendable in other areas. Explaining management and implementation of care to patients with chronic wound will be highly influenced by evidence of management successes. Evidence based practice is judicious and conscientious implementation of best-proven practice and considering patient values to attain the expected level of management (Tattler, 2008). Chronic wound patients usually lose hope in the treatment regime due to delayed signs of healing; thus, having a previous success cases strengthens them to comply with the management. Use of evidenced base protocols will avoid putting patient in the trial periods for the treatment. Instead, the patient will be instituted on well-known method of treatment.
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Effective outcome in chronic care management requires collaborative management and consistence care. This is exceedingly importance since chronic wounds take time to manage. In cases where the management channel is broken, there is a tendency of a wound delaying in healing. Therefore, ensuring that the people responsible for the management remain on tract, and allowing the juniors to participate in the care will help maintain consistency in care. The management team should always consider the health of that patient to be the first priority. Thus, they should play a role of advocacy for the best quality care (Slachta, 2008).
Diversity is a term that is well experienced in the healthcare sector. Patients seeking healthcare are of varied culture and background, yet suffering from conditions without exclusion. The idea of diversity should be used as a foundation for dilute differences and build a strong bond among individuals in home care program for optimal results. The diversities should be used to bring about co-evolution of new ideas, insights, and solutions that bring the community together rather than distancing them. The ethical principles include the principle of beneficence, common good, distributive justice, human dignity, integrity, informed consent and respect to a person among others. These principles should be the guide to motivate the professionals in carrying out their roles (Mckenna, 2008).
Nursing as a profession is advancing with time. The changes experienced in the world are certainly curving the profession to meet the requirements of the clients. Leadership in nursing should help development of intelligence, self-confidence, determination, integrity and sociability (Northouse, 2007). With these aspects assimilated among participants in the home based care, the program will clearly advance into high levels. On the same note, theories in nursing should be used as pillars for evaluating the effectiveness of innovations. These theories are crucial in developing ideas and implementation of innovative solutions, thus leading to the advancement in the home based care. It is through theories that practices are derived (Mckenna, 2008).
Masters education reinforces on the basic degree knowledge acquired in an aim of promoting the quality of care. Knowledge acquired in MSN can be applied in the practicum through several channels. First, the knowledge acquired will be helpful in leadership and management roles, in the nursing profession (Northouse, 2007). This is enhanced through application of the decision-making skill, problem solving and conflict resolution mechanism. Thus, improving outcome of home based care. Secondly, knowledge acquired should be shared among the society with an aim of uplifting the understanding of diversity, health messages and in the end raise the level of nursing education. Moreover, the refined skills and knowledge will help the Masters in Nursing Graduates to give quality care in this program. This will culminate to high quality standard care.
Nursing profession is based on the principle of caring for those who are unable to perform certain activities. Nurses act to put such individuals in the best way that nature can act on to bring about health regain. Helping and caring for those with chronic wounds is part of nursing care activities. The care offered to wound patient illustrates the humbleness, advocacy, love, caring, and empathy that describes the nursing profession (Ellenbecker et al., 2008).
Understanding individuals with their varied diversity play an imperative role in motivating personal drive to achieve the individual’s goals. Learning process is highly effective when learners involves a combination of different senses. The practicum enhances seeing things being done, hearing and most influential, performing the activities. This will lead to retention of skills and knowledge acquired better than when not being involved in the practicum. Thus, participation in the practicum will help in attainment of objectives such as application of knowledge in liberal art, science, theories and framework; determine and disseminate nursing roles in the real practice, demonstrate leadership qualities, deliver quality standard services and to develop a commitment to profession growth and development (Northouse, 2007).
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In conclusion, chronic wound management in the home-based care program offers a cost-effective way. The involvement of MSN practitioners will increase the effectiveness of the program and lead to the advancement in the level of services. The number of home care will increase and thus more people will be helped easily and accessibly.