This experiment will help understand the effect of light on plant. In addition to the above, it seeks to understand how much light is perfect for a plant. The observations made will be presented in the results section through a comparative analysis with the control group.
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Background Information
It is a scientific fact that all types of plants need light to grow. This will enable it to not only store energy but also make food. It is also a fact that different plants require different amounts of light but the fact is that all types of plants require light. Natural light is the best source of light for plants because it offers a balanced quality of light to plants. Several questions must therefore be answered, what kind of light? For how long? Does type of light have impact on plants?
The amount of hrs a plant needs in the sun depends on the type of plant. According to Schmidts (2007). “some plants require more or less sunlight than others.” However, Schmidts (2007), illustrates that “the minimum amount of hours of daylight a plant needs is eight.” There is abidance in the fact that “plants grow best under HID lamps because they do not give too much heat like incandescent” rfe In addition to the above, they are not expensive as other types of bulbs.
Based on the information gathered from the background, it can be discerned that sunlight forms the best source of light for plant growth. Incandescent is not suitable for plants because it will definitely overheat the plants.
Fluorescent light on the other hand provides best and comfortable climate for plants. This is because the heat generated by these bulbs is sufficient for plant life. One can therefore deduce that fluorescent light will work best.
Experimental Procedure
Purpose: To find out how certain lights affects plants.
Hypothesis: Fluorescent light is the best light for plant growth.
Materials: Three tables in an exclusively separated area, water source, seeds, soil and 13 pots. Sources of incandescent and fluorescent lights, sunlight and timers.
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Collect the 13 pots, fill each with equal amounts of mixed soil and set up five areas where plats are isolated from light. This will form the control group. In another area, set up a halogen light source where plants receive light 12hrs a day while in another, fluorescent. Place three pots in each area. The next set up area is a greenhouse with 3 pots. Set up an artificial halogen light source that supplies light during the rest of the day. Proceed to set up an artificial fluorescent light source that also delivers light throughout the day. Place two pots in each and water for six weeks with 50ml of water daily. Variables that will be tested include the amount, type and duration of light on the plants.
Data was collected based on the results received from height and general health of plants in Fluorescent, Fluorescent total daylight, Incandescent, Incandescent daylight and greenhouse. Two graphs were then drawn on growth plant rates and the final height of plants that did not die at the end of the experiment.
From the data retrieved and graphs drawn, it can be concluded that fluorescent source of light forms the best source of light for plants. This is based on the graphs and other results that demonstrated clearly that fluorescent total light offers the best and balanced light source for the growth and development of plants. The plants were exposed to it grew faster and had thick and healthy stems. In comparison to the others, the plants that survived were weak and unhealthy. Incandescent light endangered the lives of plants thus leading to few plants surviving. It can therefore be confidently stated that fluorescent light offers the best and comfortable balanced light for plant growth.