Gulf region

The history of the Gulf region

History provides a significant analysis of early human settlement and civilization. It is important also to understand that, the history of the gulf is equally paramount in the manner by which human settlement within the gulf revolved. According to various studies, it is established that the ancient civilization within the gulf was dominated by the Dilmun civilization, this is said to have taken place during the early 4th millennium. However, it is prudence to realize that, the actual settlement was predominantly established within Gerrha.

It is instrumental to aver that, the Gulf region was more than often been occupied by diverse communities. This can be linked to the fact that, most of the communities living in this region were in nature nomadic people, and this signified that they preoccupied themselves with animal husbandry as well as trade (Daiber, 1999). However, it is also important to understand that, this area formed a significant trade route, though predominantly occupied by Islamic rulers; it acted as the transits route for trade within the region. Thus, on an economic scope, the Gulf region can be said to have been a centre of trade (Lawrence, et al, 2006). Nevertheless, as the years progressed, and other nations began to develop interest in international trade, this area became vulnerable to a myriad of military raids from both Islamic and non-Islamic neighbors.

Therefore, though the gulf history is typically broad, one issue that remains highlighted is its significance in the ancient trade as well as religion. Diverse scholars have overtime debated on the subject regarding the birth of Islam, and the bottom line has always been the gulf. As from the 13th century, this area played a significant role in the way the early civilization affected the world. It is from this region that, Hamurabbi the lawgiver introduced his concept of democracy. As an ancient center for commerce, Arabian merchants played as significant role in the manner by which they interacted with other foreigners such as Indians and Chinese who were using the ports within the Gulf region for their business purposes. Though, a division among the rival traders existed, it is instrumental to accept the fact that, the Gulf region had the political and economic advantage over other nations (Abrahamian, 1999).

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This helped in broadcasting Islam to other nations through trade and as well as military actions in the name of jihad. However, it is equally important t to understand that, despite its long history, this region which is commonly referred as an empire was frequently altered in terms of administration as well as settlement. This is linked to the fact that, throughout the centuries such civilizations as the Arabs, Turks, Mongols as well as the Greeks invaded this region. And this in a way helped in the manner by which the ancient gulf region developed politically and economically.

Interestingly, the recent archeological artifacts which were excavated in Iran indicate that the Gulf region had a blossoming civilization dating back to the early Paleolithic period. Too, there has been evidence of ancient cultural practices dating back to the middle Paleolithic period. These discoveries points to the fact that, the Gulf region could be the cradle of human civilization. Exploring the concepts of agriculture, it is also apparent that, the people living within the Gulf region practiced agricultural activities and in particular near the rivers, especially Euphrates and Tigris.

In principle, the Gulf region reflects the development of ancient civilization according to Islamic scholars. Therefore, unlike any region, this area which doubled as a trade and cultural centre played a central role in changing the common political and religious concepts within the entire region (Lewis, 1995).

Generally speaking, the gulf region which boasts of a significant percentage of global oil production today, principally have aroused enthusiasm in the manner the countries within this region handles nationalism. Being Islamic states, it is instrumental to state that, the Gulf region stands out as the universal centre for Arab nationalism. This can be tied to the fact that, socially, politically as well as economically. Therefore, as early as 18th century gulf region had developed and embraced Islamic culture as their background, and this gave these nations a strong political and religious background.

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Modernization is being viewed as a revolution which has the greatest and the most profound impact on the human history. This perception requires a subtle but historic change from the primitive culture to the civilized society. In regard to the Gulf region which is predominantly Islamic zone, intergrating the Islamic concept of civilization with the other cultures have always been crowded by conflicts (Jackson, 2006). It is vital to understand that, the Gulf region due to its position provided a logistical position by which it could have changed the modern civilization. Consider the ancient civilization had its roots in this region. However, as far as from 19th century, the Gulf region has remained fixed on the scope of religion, despite the fact that, it is the global producer of crude oil, this region have failed to open up for globalization. As an economic centre within the Asian continent, the Gulf region continues to lag behind in terms of technology advancement due to its strong believe in religion.

Comparing its ancient concepts with the modern approach, this region continues to attract mixed reaction from global spheres. Therefore, though, the Gulf regions have moderately grown and developed, some ancient elements have remained and this is prevalent in as far as politics and social setups are interwoven denying women a chance to progress. Reflecting on the history of this region in regard to such ancient rulers as Abbasid caliphs in the 10th century, it is instrumental to aver that, this region has been an epitome of conflicts and this have greatly affected the manner by which Gulf States view modernization especially the political evolution in regard to other nations and in particular western countries (Lewis, 1995).


The Gulf region, in the modern world has become a hot spot as it was during the reign of Selim the Grim in 1514. Despite the discovery of oil, these regions have remained volatile, democrazy have greatly failed, while women are denied a chance to advance academically. It is as a matter of fact a more religion complex which is governed either by Islamic sharia or despotic tactics as was witnessed in Iraq. Thus, though these region have offered the human race one of the major religion, it has significantly failed to respect the most basic tenets of human civilization due to the cultural believes which are classified as primitive. It is equally important to understand that, the history of the Gulf region, in its own status, is unique and more so complex. This can be attributed to the fact that, the invasion by the western nations created an environment by which the entire Gulf region was affected politically. Therefore, it can be said that, the Gulf region being the cradle of early civilization remains a significant part of global pillars in terms of economy, politics as well as cultural and religious evolution in the contemporary society today (Jackson,2006).

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