The role of Human Resource (HR) management is to contribute to the efficient participation of employees in the achievement of organizational goals and objectives. Unfortunately, not every company understands the importance of addressing every issue related to HR management immediately. HR management encompasses different areas that regulate employees’ relations and aim to transform the company’s performance according to the organizational needs. The idea of HR management is to unite all areas of its influence in a single system of measures, which establish an interrelated nature of human relations within the workplace. In order to understand the essence of applying HR management principles, it is worth considering the main issues of HR management, the connection between HR areas, key learnings gained in the course and additional research, future application and career plans, and optimization of the role of HR management.
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The Main Issues of HR Management
The contemporary competition among companies pushes every business to the limit of its abilities. In fact, the problem lies in the outstanding desire of every company to obtain the leading position as fast as possible. However, the race to success worsens due to mistakes in HR management, which results in low morale and inefficient organizational culture. The idea of HR management lies in the connection of all crucial areas that represent the major importance in shaping the company’s organizational culture based on employees’ performance. Equal employment opportunity (EEO), affirmative action, HR planning, recruitment, and selection, HR development, compensation and benefits, safety and health, and employee labor relations represent the main areas of HR management. These areas are capable to strengthen the company’s performance and stabilize its market position thanks to continuous support of employees. Nevertheless, the primary problem of managers lies in focusing on a single area or several areas instead of creating a system of elements that would bring efficiency to the company’s development thanks to harmonization and cohesion. In this way, it becomes difficult to address the problem when the understanding of HR concepts and systems is poor. The principle idea of HR system lies in the effective coordination of employees’ actions according to the aforementioned areas. In fact, it is impossible to gain high productivity results without understanding the needs of employees and the conditions of the working environment. Many managers mistakenly believe that addressing separate areas of HR management will have a beneficial effect on the employees’ job satisfaction (Ofori, Sekyere-Abankwa, & Borquaye, 2012). However, there is a deep connection between HR areas, which means that a systematic approach towards HR management is the major key to successful coordination of employees’ performance.
The Connection Between HR Management Areas
Every HR management area takes care of employees’ performance in a different way. It is worth understanding that employees require a systematic approach towards regulation of their performance in order to ensure productivity and efficiency of every process. Equal employment opportunity (EEO) protects employees from discrimination based on sex, age, religion, race, color, and disability. It is the core of workplace relations and organizational culture, which sets the tone of employees’ performance. Affirmative Action, in its turn, supports employer’s willingness and readiness to hire women, disabled individuals, minorities, and veterans. This action enhances the creation of the environment of equality, which sets a favorable background for other HR management areas. HR planning, recruitment and selection is another vital element in the system of HR management, which takes care of staffing the company with highly professional employees (Burma, 2014). Job description, selection criteria, evaluation, and interviews represent the first acquaintance of the company and a potential employee. In this way, every aspect of organizational culture generated by a system of HR management creates the first impression about the company. Human resource development continues acquaintance of the company and the employee. It reassures that the employee has an appropriate set of skills and abilities to fit the company’s performance. Additional training and development courses help to reveal the required set of skills and abilities. Compensation and benefits along with safety and health contribute to the workplace conditions, which aim to retain employee thanks to the preferable conditions of the environment. In this way, all these areas influence employee and labor relations, which impact further integration of the employee in the organizational environment.
It is impossible to claim that one of HR management areas is more important than another one. Each aforementioned area contributes to the development of the appropriate workplace conditions, which are crucial to the employee retention strategy. If a company neglects one of the areas, the system will not have any efficiency and employees will not have any desire to work for the company. In this way, HR management consists of a system of concepts and principles that take care of employees’ satisfaction in a complex way.
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Key Learnings
The main learning related to HR management and its role in shaping the company’s productivity refers to the realization of employees’ satisfaction and readiness to follow organizational goals. It is evident that HR management principles and areas contribute to the overall productivity of the employees. However, the research showed the need to address all areas of HR management simultaneously. Otherwise, there will be no efficiency in the development of employees and their integration in the organizational performance. The guidance of employees is a required step in leading the company towards accomplishment of its strategic goals (Ali, 2013). It is necessary to relate to the employees’ needs at every stage of organizational performance in order to promote comfortable workplace conditions.
Another key learning refers to the idea that HR management is a reflection of the company’s reputation and image. It is the primary indicator of the company’s ability to value every contribution of employees and their participation in the implementation of strategic plans. If the company neglects a single element in the HR system, it is most likely to face employees’ dissatisfaction and tarnished reputation (Aslam, Aslam, Ali, & Habib, 2013). As a result, it will be difficult to restore the company’s reputation in the eyes of suppliers, partners, employees, and customers. The evaluation proved that there is an outstanding connection between every HR element that creates a system of HR management.
Factors Facilitating HRM Learning
The opportunity to observe workplace relations and interaction of employees is the main facilitating factor of HRM learning. It is amazing to observe the positive effects of changing approaches towards recruitment and selection, which result in efficient selection of employees impressed by the company’s image at the first interview. When HR managers perform within the same scope of issues, it is difficult to evaluate their contribution to the company’s sustainability. However, it becomes obvious that HR management is crucial to the company’s productivity when employees start working with outstanding dedication and persistence thanks to the system of compensations and benefits. In this way, the level of job satisfaction increases and makes a positive impact on employee and labor relations.
The course material encouraged making personal observations about HR management and its effects on the employees’ willingness to work towards the organizational goals. In particular, the review of case studies along with the discussion of HR concepts involved in every situation enhanced a clear understanding of employees’ relations and factors influencing employee retention. As a result, it is possible to establish a cause and effect system of HR concepts, which lead to specific outcomes of every action. Moreover, thanks to the course and workplace peculiarities, it became possible to recognize practical importance of HR management in leading employees towards implementation of the organizational plans.
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According to the conditions of my workplace, it is possible to discuss several ways to apply HR concepts. First, it is possible to nurture the company’s organizational culture with an effective communication system, which helps to integrate every HR concept and monitor its effectiveness immediately. For example, an Intranet communication system will help to detect any employees’ dissatisfaction, which is crucial to productivity and organizational efficiency (Schroeder, 2012). As a result, it will be possible to understand the problematic areas of HR management that require revision. As for the concepts, it is necessary to work on HR development in connection with HR recruitment and selection of employees. As long as all elements in HR system are interrelated, it is worth revising the existing system that selects employees. It would be more efficient to take care of supporting the image of a reliable employer by putting newly hired employees into workplace training. For example, mentorship may help new employees to integrate into the organizational culture and feel the corporate spirit, which unites all employees in a single team. As a result, it would be possible to increase the level of job satisfaction. In general, current workplace requires increased regulation of every HR area in relation to overall influence on the employees’ productivity. In this way, it will be possible to lead the organization in an appropriate direction according to its strategic plans.
Future Career Plans
In my opinion, HR management plays a significant role in shaping the performance of the company by coordinating and guiding activities of every employee. It would be impossible to lead the company towards success without effective HR policies that meet the needs of both employees and the company. Regardless of the sphere of activity, every manager should know the key elements of HR management in order to be able to interact with other employees. It is a notion that came from the realization of the importance of HR function in company sustainability. In my opinion, HR management is an appealing sphere of activity that teaches to see deviations in the employees’ activity based on workplace conditions. It would be great to become the head of HR department in order to be capable of regulating the organizational environment and detecting employees’ needs. On the one hand, HR management requires significant responsibility and careful attention to every activity in the workplace. In addition, HR management gives an opportunity to contribute to the transformation of the company into a respectable and reliable leader in terms of company performance. Thanks to commitment, loyalty, and persistence, it would be possible to relate to human nature and understand the most appropriate ways of motivating subordinates and guiding them in routine activity. In this way, personal orientation towards obtaining the position of the head of HR department is the breaking point in my career, which will open a new level of managerial wisdom and practice.
HRM Role Optimization
Discussion of the topic led to the formulation of the idea that HR management is the key aspect in supporting the engine of managerial decisions inside of the company. Every decision has a behavioral aspect, which comes from both the organization and employees. From this point of view, it is essential to consider the role of HR management and its functions in making a positive influence on the behavioral patterns of the organization. There are two aspects of HR management performance that contribute to the development of the organizational culture. These aspects include employer’s and employees’ behavioral patterns. HR management function lies in guiding every employee of the organization towards appropriate behavioral patterns, which respect human rights of every individual, support organizational culture, and contribute to the establishment of mutually respective employee and labor relations (Schroeder, 2012). In order to optimize HR function, it is necessary to deepen the focus on employees’ needs in order to foster their active participation in the achievement of goals. For example, HR management may consider using a regular feedback as a source of information showing the direction of further actions. In fact, HR management should establish policies that will fit organizational culture, which is unique in the myriad of companies.
Evaluation of the major areas of HR management showed a close connection between them and proved that the company should apply a comprehensive approach towards regulation of every area for sustainability and productivity of its performance. It is impossible to address HR issues separately. It is necessary to transform the company’s performance in all HR areas simultaneously in order to have a balanced performance of every department. The course had a significant influence on personal perception of HR management and its role in shaping the organizational environment. As a result, it became possible to see the next steps in career development and application of HR principles in the workplace. Thanks to the detailed evaluation of every area of HR management, it became obvious that employees’ and organizational behavioral patterns are interdependent. In this way, behavior formulates the core of HR management policy.