Illegal Narcotics Distribution

Narcotics have been known by humans to be the oldest and strongest forms of pain relievers. In ancient times, opium was discovered and used to relieve coughs, insomnia and also pain. This was also used to treat asthma, severe diarrhea and dysentery in China. In modern days, this is even the case though more and better drugs have been manufactured to serve the same purpose. Thus, to a great extent, the use of narcotics for such medicinal intentions has been drastically cut down.

When taken, narcotics produce a stuporous state since they are central nervous system depressants. They often induce a state of euphoria, and they are highly addictive. Since the body easily becomes tolerant to these drugs, more and more of them have to be consumed in order to bring about the same effect. As a result, this leads to their abuse.

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In spite of their contribution in medical solutions, the dangers posed by narcotics are profound. Among the bad effects of narcotic consumption and unchecked distribution are an addiction, dependency on the drugs, mental deterioration of those who use them and unpleasant implications to the general economy. Whereas those who control and manage the trade in narcotics reap maximum profits, the implication to the rest of the society is detrimental. This is largely because most nations have illegalized the free circulation of such drugs in the market.

However, the success of such efforts have been thwarted in most cases due to mischief in the leadership of most nations and high levels of corruption that characterize the faces of individuals and bodies meant to fight the same malpractice. This is quite prominent, especially in most developed countries. For instance, when one hears that in the United States the drug business increases the gross domestic product, but in Colombia it destroys it, it implies that some of the highly developed states use drugs to enrich themselves at the expense of their developing counterparts (Caballero 1996).

As of 2004, opioids are classified as Schedule II drugs under the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 of the United States of America. These are described as having a high potential for abuse and a liability for dependence and yet an approved medical use in pain management. In Canada, the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act of 1997, classifies narcotic medications under the heading (N). It specifies varying levels of regulation from strict measures for highly addictive products to more lenient measures on drugs combining a narcotic with other substances.

Based on their research of 1996, the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (Extension 2840) of the United Kingdom prepared a report with detailed analysis of the effects of cannabis as one major narcotic substance subject to great. The recommendations made therefrom sought to institute measures that would curb the use and thereby minimize the effects it poses, especially on children.

In a different, suggestions are that those prevention programs against narcotic use ought to address all forms of drug abuse, alone or in combination, including the underage use of illegal drugs (Johnston et al. 2002).

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In another observation, prevention programs should emphasize on the type of drug abuse problem in the local community, target modifiable risk factors, and strengthen identified protective factors (Hawkins et al. 2002).

In a different research project called Illegal Drugs and Human Rights of Peasants and Indigenous Communities: The Case of Peru by Carolina Navarrete-Frias and Francisco E. Thoumi, a lot about the impact of illegal distribution of narcotics to the community in Peru and an exploration of possible ways to deal with such occurrences have been given significant emphasis, especially the issue of policy formulation with regard to containing such a serious practice.

Many research projects have been carried out with respect to this cause. All of them are just aimed at the same target: preventing illegal distribution of narcotics through sound policies to assure the innocent community of its well-being. Genuine efforts are required to achieve this, though.

In my research task, I employed the Non-Experiment Design Approach. I have examined matters as they are based on my own experiences in the community where such things as substance abuse are real and also on the facts and opinions obtained from reports of other research works related to this.

As it is apparently visible, my piece of work has significantly borrowed from the many works of research that were carried out earlier as well as from the legislations that have been established for the same cause of action in response to the impact of illegal effects of narcotics on the individual, national and largely the international community.

With the immensity of already existing research work reports with virtually all kinds of relevant information touching on the war against drugs, effects of drugs and the policies governing usage of such drugs, this design is more appropriate than the other ones. This is due to the ease with which my design is implemented as compared to the implementation of the others.

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