The journal focuses on the new way of added value service delivery through mobile channels. The author of the journal has developed a framework that has incorporated three benefits that people do receive from the new mode of service delivery in the mobile industry. The authors of the journal have incorporated the following benefits: user control, time convenience, time convenience and service compatibility (DeCarlo, 1997). The journal also takes into consideration two costs that are involved in mobile service delivery that is cognitive effort costs and perceived risk cost, these costs are decedents of the perceived value.
The journal also investigates the influence of consumers need for the serve to be provided at the specified time because of the importance of time criticality in value-added feature of mobile channel service delivery. The authors have achieved this purpose by empirically carrying out an investigation on the model by usage of mobile brokerage services which are used as illustrative applications. Their research revealed that the identified antecedents, though time compatibility was exempted, shows that they have a strong effect on mobile service delivery value perceptions, they, in turn, influence behavioral intentions (Holbrook, 1999).
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The authors relied on data collected to make their conclusions on data that was through the empirical research process. They tested their value creation model in a given mobile transaction services delivery setting, that is the mobile brokerage. The mobile brokerage service can be said as enabling the consumer to retrieve some crucial financial information and is in a position to act on this information as fast as he/she can within the set time (Davis, 1989). As a result of success of wired brokerage and banking, many financial providers are shifting their efforts to offering wireless transactions to their customers.
The data used in the journal was collected through a survey. Items for each of the study construct were based on extensive literature review and they were then measured by usage of multiple-item that is Likert-type scales. Therefore, it is clear that most of the journal findings relied on earlier literature work that has been done on the subject of mobile service delivery and the role time consciousness (Hoffman, 1996). Even though data was collected from the field through interviews and the sample size of the study the conclusion made depending on this data is not justifiable.
Challenges of Research Questions
The survey questions that were posted to the respondents were challenging, especially those related to demographics of the mobile services namely on transaction area. Majority of the respondent did not have the actual figure that they opted to ignore the questions on demographics. The interview questions could have been challenging in a way as the respondents in most cases were not prepared psychologically for the interviews.
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Journal Weaknesses and Strengths
The journal focuses on the specific area of mobile services delivery that is a wireless financial transaction made the study more specific and easy to collect the relevant data. The focus of the study on time as an important variable in the study makes the study more interesting to the respondents. The journal provides grounds for future studies on issues mobile service delivery, on the areas other than financial transaction services. There is need for the study to be conducted to determine the effectiveness of mobile channels in service delivery to their customers other than in the area of financial transactions and come up with measures to improve service delivery to customers.
On the other hand, the journal portrays some weaknesses in terms of the questions that were used to collect data for the purpose of analysis. The data collection process focused shallowly on those people in the streets, thus, ignoring many other people who have crucial information on the subject of the study. The data collection should have focused on business people because in most cases there are those who are constantly involved in mobile financial transactions and time to them is a critical factor. Many of the respondents may not have given the correct information as they were not prepared psychologically for the study earlier enough. The number of respondents who managed to finish the entire survey process is few, thus, making the findings of the journal questionable.
Ways of Improving the Journal
The author should have distributed the questionnaires of the study across all sectors of the American society in order to make findings of the study more acceptable. The demographic questions should not have been included as they make findings of the research especially the figures collected somehow questionable. The question should also have been distributed to specifically to those people for whom time is a critical factor in financial transactions in order to get their views on what should be done to make mobile service delivery more effective to meet their satisfactions. The reporting should not be complex as the author has done making it difficult for a normal reader to understand the contents of the journal.