Models of Curriculum Design

This paper shall outline and attempt to analyze instructional design in the curriculum. This shall be based from the literary articles by both Merrill David and B.G Wilson which are concerned with instructional design of the curriculum structure. For the paper to fully capacitate the topic both this authors exemplify that the definition of the term instructional design is referred to as the methodical progression of instructional requirements achieved through theory and instructional learning which fosters instructions of high quality. This is moreover viewed as the overall analysis process of the needs and goals of learning which capacitates delivery system progression that is requisite in the delivery of these needs (Wilson, 1996).

This also includes instructional materials and activities progression, interview and appraisal of the entire learning curriculum and instruction. This is also referred to as the instructional system design (ISD). Both Merrill and Winston articulates that the best theory is the one which capacitate the process which encompasses developing and implementing strategies which are align with the curriculum instructions. According to Merrill and Twitchell (1993) the history of Instructional Designs (ID) dates back to the World War II by the U.S. military forces when they were faced with an emergency shortage of technical staff. They have to devise a mechanism which would instill knowledge to a large number of people in a short spun thus ID was coined as the most effective mode of permeating edification on the militants and has been embraced by edification curriculum till now (Reiser, 2001).

Instructional Design as a Discipline

This is usually conceived by the researchers as a branch of comprehension which is encompassed on the theory and research of instructional policies and the mechanism ensued to adapt and develop this policy. The instruction policies also assist us in centralizing the process and communication with other tutorials and the subjects who are involved in the project. For the experts, it develops an understanding which resolves how problems can be solved as echoed by Sweller and Cooper (1985). The discipline attempt to outline the goals and objectives of the curriculum for both the tutor and the student, through disciplinary policies and instructions, thus the overall aim is to quantify the level of understanding of the subject.

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Instructional Design as a Science

Researcher have articulated that instructional design itself is a science which constitute creation of detailed stipulations which fosters development, maintenance, implementation and evaluation of circumstances which embraces learning in major small and big units of curriculum at all the levels of complexity. This process is what then scholar has articulated that it is the science of conveying instructions which touches the learning, understanding and analyzing of all unit of curriculum (Dick, Et al. 2005).

The instructional design dimension of technology

Scholars have articulated that when the instructional design is diffused with instructional development then the result is what surmounts to instructional technology. This technology was implemented back in the creation of the instructional design. When there was the shortage of military personnel in the U.S. army this mechanism was coined to facilitate quick recruitment to fill in skilled combatant in the war front (Hokanson & Miller, 2009). This method grew and has been adapted in the curriculum as the methodology that assist tutors with a systematic and proficient means for providing edification to the students.

Difference of instructional design with learning theory

The difference between instructional design and learning theory is that the approach that they take that the outcome is easily achieved than the other. This is insinuated that learning theory is more affluent and dominant than instructional design and majority of the instructional policies implements and advocates through behaviourists are also embraced by learning theory for dissimilar rationale. Instructional design evaluates students to point where to commence instruction, while learning theory evaluates the student to verify learning predisposition (Wilson, 1996).

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Critical Components of the instructional design process

Some of the major component that consign procedural framework which incapacitates instruction formulation are also governed by policies like analysis projected toward the students so they may be able to point goals and objectives. This usually provides the structure and evaluation of the ID issues. This is composed of diverse model which evaluate and mediates the student intention this includes Dick & Carey design model, Merrill and Watson design models as exemplified by Reiser (2001).

Tasks for Instructional designers

Instructional designer are responsible for the blended development of well structured instructional literary materials through the means employing objectives, strategies, evaluation, related teaching and systematic feedback to the audience.

Critical skills required for successful instructional designers

Some of the skills which are the requirement for the instructional designers include regular evaluation of the models to facilitate better means of enhancing instructions (Clark, Et al. 2006). Having adequate knowledge concerning new intervention and method requisite for combating problems, they also create training materials which provide guidelines to the student. Have the power to evaluate behavioural traits on the audience to evaluate which principles to instil.


This design provides the students with an idea of analysis which will assist them to meet the targeted goals and objective. This helps the student fulfill the achievement of the positive objectives which are set out by the tutor. This helps the tutor to evaluate the areas that the audience this being the student are not fairing well and add emphasis on these areas based on the performance of the student.

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