Overpopulation, illiteracy and poor leadership are the major cause of the problems witnessed in Third World countries. Overpopulation leads to unsustainable economies due to low per capita income. Declining economies promote the prevalence of poverty and social challenges. Illiteracy creates a population that relies on the government to address even the basic needs. Over-reliance on government-support promotes poor leadership due to lack of a population that can demand leaders to account for mismanagement of resources. Economic and social challenges and poor leadership lead to the explosion of chaos and conflicts common in most Third World countries. Political and social unrest leads to the stagnation of economies due to unfavorable investment environments. In this regard, the disparity in the level of development between Third World countries and Developed nations continue to increase. Although most of the problems in Third World countries are avoidable, it is the moral obligation of Developed countries to assist people in poor nations when the need arises.
Every year, diseases, famines, natural disasters and wars cause wanton suffering in various parts of Third World countries. The effects of these occurrences are most dire among poor people due to lack of relevant resources and economic power (Ethridge and Howard 580). Thus, people die of treatable illnesses solely because they cannot afford appropriate medical care. Poor food management and planning often leaves people with nothing to eat in case of weather changes. Children and old people are the common victims of starvation due to their inability to look for food. Wars cause myriad of problems and often displace people from their homes considering that they occur spontaneously. When people become internal or external refuges, they need assistance to access food, shelter and clothing.
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Developed countries enjoy developed infrastructure, economies and sane leadership. In this regard, these countries have effective mechanisms that ensure effective responses to disease outbreaks, droughts and natural disasters. Their high per capita income empowers citizens to cater for most of their needs without assistance from the government. In addition, these countries have relatively stable political and social environments that minimize the probability of chaos and conflicts. However, the occurrence of disasters such as tsunamis and hurricanes demonstrates that even developed nations may require assistance in dealing with the humanitarian crisis of large magnitudes. Natural disasters in nations such as Japan and the United States displace people in some areas forcing them to seek refuge in camps and other areas designated to handle disaster victims. Despite the high preparedness and effective response mechanisms, the dire situation of victims of tsunamis and hurricanes is in no way different from the predicaments that face people in Third World countries (Schwenke 69). To realize high preparedness concerning humanitarian crises, Developed nations use large amounts of funds to create systems that ensure people do not suffer in case a disaster occurs.
The high levels of independence among Developed nations results from stable economies. Most humanitarian crisis in Third World countries arise due to stagnant and declining economies that introduce challenges concerning the implementation of mechanisms for responding to the humanitarian crisis. It is unreasonable and morally wrong for Developed countries to let people suffer and die due to a problem that would use an insignificant portion of these countries’ budgetary allocations considering their high per capita income (Amstutz 213). Every individual and nation has the moral responsibility to alleviate suffering as long as giving the assistance doe not impose negative outcomes on the individual or nation. It is the responsibility of the world to ensure that people do not suffer and die unnecessarily when a country, irrespective of whether in the Third World or Developed nations, is unable to protect its own citizens.