Organizing an Oral and Visual Research Presentation

Nowadays, oral presentations skills are common part of college and university curriculum. It is important for the concerned parties to prepare fully when it comes to public speaking. It is important therefore to prepare a good project outline in order to make a positive difference in the quality of the report to be produced as well as for the grade.

Organizing an Oral and Visual Research Presentation

Using your research paper, write an extended outline of how the content of the paper would be converted into an oral presentation. Structure the outline to include all the major sections of the paper and write out the text that would appear for each section.

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  • Introduction. All oral presentations should start with an introduction. The introduction is designed to catch the attention of the audience and provide the required rationale for study. In ending the introduction, a clearly stated purpose of the study that includes a brief list of the specific aims should appear in the text or slide at the end.
  • Procedure/Method. The procedure also known as the method for the specific study should be summarized to provide sufficient detail that the audience is able to understand well n what was done. It is important to realize that diagrams and figures are useful in accompanying brief explanations in the text.
  • Results. Next to be explained is the results of the study. If there are numerous results, then it is only worthy choosing the most interesting or the most important ones for the presentation especially due to the fact that there is limited time that is allocated for the research presentations. Figures and graphs that are used should be well labeled to enable the audience take a quick grasp on the essence of findings easily than it could appear on text or in the tables
  • Discussions. After the results, next is the discussion section in which results are highlighted on how they compare to the familiar studies. This should be done in a way that it explains the importance of the findings. It is sometimes prompt to combine the results and discussion part so that as a display of a slide showing a graph of the results is shown, it is explained first before it is discussed.
  • Conclusions. The last part is that of conclusion. One or few conclusion statements are drawn from the results of the study and briefly stated on the slide bearing “Conclusion.” Usually it is not necessary to provide a summary at the end nor is there time frame for that. It is however customary to acknowledge funding sources and the non-authors who contributed in one way or the other to the study and making it a success. Therefore, the “Acknowledgements” slide may appear at the end (Organizing the Presentation, n.d.).

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Techniques/procedures that will be used during oral presentation procedure

Oral presentation has a procedure which usually begins the instructor conveying to the students what the requirements are for the assignment. The following is a simplified prouder that is used during oral presentation:

  • Defining the topic by exploring content for presentation
  • Analyzing listeners. It is important to decipher such issues like who the different listeners are, how much do they want to know from the topic being presented and what actions does the presenter want the audience to take as a result of the presentation being made.
  • Writing a focus statement
  • Consider the critical parts of the presentation. Some of these include:
    • Ice-breaker. A positive local comment, anecdotes and throwing in some nice jokes in good taste (but only if they are told well).
    • Overview of the presentation. This will include the main points being made, the major issues or topic that will be discussed and the actions the presenter wants the listeners to take.
    • The body. This will include discussing each major topic and including structural cues.
    • The last part is conclusions where major points are reviewed and also restating actions that the audience wants to take.
  • Organizing the presentation. This can be done by following a top-down strategy using a tree. A tree is developed with several levels that are deeper than one intends to present. Here, it is important to make use of visual aids in plan.
  • Preparing visual aids. Visual aids equipments include such materials like slides, transparencies and may also include handouts.
  • Practice presentation with small and a frank audience. This will help one to time himself/herself while testing on how visual aids devices can be used. It is therefore important that the presenter will ask the audience for observations on whether the presentation is interesting, convincing, any distractions and whether the presenter is able to recall major points as intended.
  • The last part is for the presenter to give an effective presentation. The presenter will need to reach out and encompass his/her audience psychologically while concentrating on actual communication with them. The presenter will need to relax and try to do a good and honest job, not just a great one (Oral Presentations, n.d.).

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Describe equipment that will be necessary and why

During the oral presentation, some important of equipment are provided while the presenter also may need to come with his/her own. Some of the commonly used equipment include the following:

  • Audio and video equipments. Usually, the conference will be outfitted with a computer video projector and another computer that is connected to the projector for each oral presentation room. Video and taped audio can be used especially for the aspects of presentation that cannot be adequately presented by power point or by slides. However, the video is an integral part of the presentation and not a substitute for presenting the data or any procedures used in the simulation. A manual video switch can be provided. The switch allows several computers to be hooked before the start of each session.
  • Audio equipments like microphones. The audio equipment are used to magnify the sound to ensure that the audience gets what the presenter is presenting.
  • A VHS format tape. This is used for short presentations and used only when no audio sound is permitted other than sounds that are an integral part of the research (Oral Presentations, n.d.).

Producing an Oral and Visual Presentation

  1. Using Microsoft™ PowerPoint software on either your home or school computer, and the templates included, the poster to report the results of your research paper.
  2. Include suggestion of which figures in select papers might be included in the visual presentation and how they may or may not need to be modified.
  3. Use the Poster Presentation Template Resource located within the Additional Resources folder in Canyon Connect.

Posters can be created in just about any software program. For this assignment, you will use a PowerPoint template. Design your poster in the design template provided as Poster Presentation Template Resource. Example 1 Resource and Example 2 Resource are example posters. Write the text for each section (Title, Author(s), Affiliation, Introduction, Background, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments, References) and describe which figures and tables you would need to include in your poster and why.

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