Coral reef fishes are the most evident, colorful and interesting vertebrates that occupy the coral reef biome. Coral reefs are uniquely complicated and marine environments that comprise 99% of the oceans of the universe. The fish found in the coral reefs have become diverse and adapted gaining specific adaptations to survive in the dynamic water environments. The purpose of this presentation is to explain a key element of how far and often do the coral fish disperse due to especially the dynamic ecological issues.
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How Far and How Often Do Fish on Coral Reefs Disperse?
The main point to be depicted in the presentation of this study of vertebrates, points out how fish are under huge threats especially due to the underlying human activities that endanger the marine ecosystem. This especially is what leads to the fish dispersion as a result of the fish diversity due to the acquired adaptations fish adopt to survive in these changing environments. The study seeks to explain that the difference in dispersal is caused by the patterns in the different levels of geographic areas.
The weaknesses of this study are particularly seen in the diverse definitions that seek to explain dispersal leaving a huge gap in comprehension of this information. As it is known by many biologists, dispersal as an element of evolution and ecology is not clearly defined and evaluated though in the recent studies. The strengths depicted in this study are that the investigations seek to increase the resources found in coral reefs to increase the chances of survival in the coral reefs. The study is particularly important as it decreases chances of predation and disturbance in dispersal areas.
The issue in the presentation is familiar to my area of study as it seeks to discuss the distance and speed of fish dispersal which relates directly to how organisms function in their different environments presented in principles of general biology. The contribution of this work seeks to explain and evaluate aspects of natural selection due to the understanding of adaptation of fish. The contributions of this work are also involved in explaining how human activities affect organisms’ populations like is the case of fish whereby the activities are a threat to fish survival in coral reefs. This prompts the question of how far and often coral reefs fish are dispersed.
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The study being presented was prompted by various other studies that are particular to this subject. Mora (2004) the author of a previous study called “Importance of dispersal in Coral Reef Fishes” seeks to evaluate the fish incidence in the coral reefs. In relation to the topic, the author asserts that unified explanations have lacked as well as the threat of extinction facing coral reefs. This previous study helps in giving information on the ecological situation of the coral fish. Its weakness is that it is based on assumptions and is based on two oceans, the Pacific and Indian Ocean.
The other study conducted by Ecological Society of America (2009) seeks to explain how genetic isolation is affected by distance, a study conducted particularly in the dispersion of coral reefs. The study provides adequate background information on the process involved in the dispersion of coral reefs which aids the study in solving the speed of the process and the dispersion distance. Its weakness, however, is based on that the study focuses on local areas other than geographical areas where dispersion is likely to occur.
This presentation is better than already existing literature in that it is a guide leading to more research to understand the concept of coral reefs fish dispersal. The study related to this presentation particularly uses 15 locations which will aid the presentation particularly in providing more evidence on fish population diversity presented by distance. The presentation generally provides a wide range of literature for comprehension of the topic.