Proactive Solutions to Juvenile Gangs

The juvenile gangs have emerged to be the serious and growing problem in many areas in the UnitedState. it has higher chances that strategies to control gangs can not be successful as long as the legitimate economic alternatives are lacking. This easy critically explores the possible proactive solutions to this social problem.

One of the proactive solutions is the provision of developmental programmers that should be set up to give the legal alternatives for the generation of income. The adolescent and youngsters should be supplied with increased economic opportunities, professional education and training, the new workplaces and help in the organization of business.

The education programs will assist youngsters to learn how to be involved in positive self-appraisal, how to deal with conflicts and control aggression. The gang myth will be debunked by the education programs and also will help youngsters find an option to illegal behavior, (Irving, 2007). Some of them work with the troubled youths to assist them in the development of social and cognitive skills that are required to avoid control aggression and conflict. Youths that are raised in strong families, healthy communities and quality schools, typically develops these skills just as a matter of course. In the U.S. the agencies of law enforcement, schools, the local communities and parents of youngsters are involved in these programs, (Irving, 2007).

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Recreational and youth development activities should be encouraged directly in the guidelines of Riyadh. A wider range of activities and services those are recreational especially of particular interests to young people should be established and made their accessibility easy to them. in different towns especially in the U.S, the establishment of basketball programs for the youths led to the decrease in the crime rates by about 60%

By changing the urban environment can also help to reduce the level of juvenile delinquency, changing the physical features through landscape and architecture planning and presenting the opportunities to involve the interests of the young people. It has been proved that most of the juvenile delinquency deeds take place in town”s park in the U.S., So redesigning the park layout to accommodate more leisure and the recreational options for the juveniles and their parents. The number of positive afternoons to be increased in schools and parks to be increased too, all these measures can be able to reduce juvenile crime and violence offenses,(Farrington, 1987).

The attention should be given to the duty and responsibility of the local communities in dealing with the issue of juvenile delinquency. There are programs that are designed in a manner that can train individual and groups” representatives in the local communities in which juvenile gang have been on the raise. So that they can be able to informally control youngsters and involve youths in activities that are constructive. The notion that youths can and have to work in partnership with the adults for the improvement of the conditions in their communities has gained power in the past decades. The youths should be asked to sit on submit ideas, boards and support the efforts of the community via structured volunteering. The involvement of NGOs and volunteers like sportsmen can work miracles in the reduction of juvenile delinquency, (Bartollas, 1990).

There should be the corporation among various agents of prevention work. The malt-sartorial prevention initiatives of prevention designed and implemented by the community as a whole are the most effective ones, especially these that build on the interests and strength of the young people other than only focusing on their weaknesses.

The institutional programs that are aimed at giving the social and psychological support for persons and groups like camps, group homes among others. Provided in this field are education, psychological and behavioral evaluation and diagnostics; the attention of health among others. The primary socialization institution is the family; it plays the most significant role in the process of prevention of child and juvenile delinquency. The most effort of prevention is focused on the families” troubled youths. There should be training and education to the parents of troubled children.

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In conjunction with this, the attention that is special have to be given to street children and to these youngsters who are orphans hence no appropriate family surveillance. Many programs that serve the street children are remedial in nature since their basis of operation is “ad-hoc”, food provision among others. This initiative has to be complimented by the programs that address the causes of “streetism” as well. Programs are also needed to deal with the problem of unaccompanied and homeless children, including the schemes of rehabilitation that take children away from the streets. The improvements that are community-based, especially in slums and squatter settlements, have the high potential of preventing children from living on streets and help them to reintegrate them to their neighbors. Another goal of preventive work is to assist street children to involve in optimistic positive attitudes and self-appraisal, (Expert Group, 2003).

At a time “punitive” prevention programs that suppress juvenile and youth offenses, gang recruitment, criminal behavior and expansion, by the means of surveillance and prosecution. Since this method is believed to be inherently “right” it needs no special justification or the evaluation of the results. It generally precludes inputs for the promotion of appropriate behavior, focusing on the behaviors that are unwanted. On the other hand, the aggression on authorities” part, in many cases contributes to further integration of youngsters to delinquent groups, (Expert Group, 2003).

In conclusion, purely proactive measures are not effective as such for the youngsters already in crime; many crimes are committed by the relative handful of repeat offenders who mostly display serious problems of behavior in their early childhood. To deal with them, more individualized and intensive treatments may be required.

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