Racial Justice Act

Luther strongly demanded racial justice for the Black American people. He believed that time had come for the Negro community to be recognized as full American citizens. He reminded them that the American constitution had promised that all men would be guaranteed the inalienable rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness and those opportunities were to be made available to all the American population without the selfish regard of color. He advocated for urgency in the pursuit of fairness, justice, freedom and basic civil rights for the black Americans. He inspired them to be determined and not give up in their struggle for their rights. He strongly condemned the American society for mistreating and threatening them by stating that their time was up. He emphasized the importance of brotherhood rather than the ugly and fragile manacles of discrimination amongst the Americans themselves.

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Luther declared zero tolerance to racial discrimination and threatened that America would not be peaceful until their demands were fully met. He threatened for a state of emergency, which was a rebellion towards the oppression and broken promises. This was in the event his calls to end the vices were not taken seriously and even urged them to go back to their lost homes with the hope that things were to change for the better and they were be elevated to where they were supposed to be. He had an ambitious dream. In his dream, he gave hope to the Negroes, for he foresaw a different picture of the future. A future complete that was opposite of the present then, a future that was full of togetherness and harmony where nobody was to be judged by his or her skin color but the content of their character. He emphasized them to forgive by telling them that former slaves and their masters would live together in peace, and in places where extreme discrimination flourished would be transformed into the best examples of brotherhood. Luther had a lot of faith that when America embraced brotherhood, everybody from each corner of the country would reap the fruits, both the whites and the blacks With faith they would work, struggle, pray, stand up for freedom and go to jail together, knowing that were to be free one day. In conclusion, Luther believed everyone was equally important, and the nation had to embrace national cohesion to be able to become a powerful country.

After Mr. Jones retired to his bed, Old Major addressed the animals about a weird dream he had. The dream happened to touch on the rights of all the animals in the farm and the non-domesticated animals within and outside the farm. In his speech, he started by calling the animals comrades as a sign of brotherhood, togetherness and cohesion that existed between the animals. Comrade was also used to emphasize that they all lived in within the same environment of degradation, oppression and misery under the eye of their overall master: man. He intended to share his wisdom and experience to the entire animal fraternity.

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He reminded the animals that even after they had worked tirelessly for their master, the final reward is death. Their lives were short and full of misfortunes despite the fact that the land was boasting of fertility with good climate, and not even their hard work could improve their fate. He incited the animals to rise, unite and fight their biggest enemy, the man and promised them that the results would have been a prudent life that would end their laborious life and sleeping on empty stomachs. He offered a solution: rebellion and war. He told them that man had to be overthrown, and the animals had to take over the farm. He defined the man as a pest that consumed without producing; he could not do anything of his own in order survive. Therefore he used them to enrich his posh life at the expense of the animals. Man collected all that the animals produced, for example, eggs from the fouls, milk from the cows and manure from the animals and all what the animals got in return was a miserable portion of food only meant to support their lives. Man dispossessed them of their offspring and gave his fellow men, while they toiled for endless years in the farm. Ultimately, they got cruelly hacked or killed and disposed of when they got old.

Overnight, the animals were promised freedom and riches, if and only if the man was got rid of. The time had come for rebellion and even if the old boar could not tell when he felt it was near. He urged the animal fraternity to embrace brotherhood with their neighbors, the wild animals since they shared common interests and problems. To that extent, he gave them a stern warning not to imitate the ways and the evil habits of the man. He strongly advocated for equality among all animals. No animal was supposed to rise against another once they are independent of man.

Finally, he taught the animals an old song that came back in his dream. It was an incitement song that called for immediate removal of man, and the benefits the animals would get out of their courage. The song was full of hope for a great and bright future for all the animals throughout their land and beyond. A rich future that was full of freedom, prosperity and happiness. He urged the animals to take his dream seriously and urgently and rise against man. The animals sang the song loudly, woke Mr. Jones who scuttled the meeting.

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