Systemic Implications of ADHD


Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition that affects between 4% and 6% of the children population. It is true that families who have kids with the illness do not lead normal lives, and both the parents and the other children in that family are influenced by their sick family members. Obviously, they wish that they had normal kids who would not require any special care; thus, when they have ADHD children, some are very disappointed. However, others take the situation easy and try to ensure they raise their offspring in the best way possible (Kytja, 2004).It is also true that some families get divided when some of the family members develop a bad attitude towards an ADHD child, while the rest of them remain loving and caring. These dissatisfactions are manifested in many ways and are a source of many unwanted quarrels. Consequently, I feel that the possibility of a disintegration of a family and parental care is a very important implication of the ADHD condition.

With children seen as a desired outcome in a family and as a huge uniting factor between adults who have kids together, the likelihood of these important social bonds getting distorted by the children is crucial and vital to understand. Although the interactions and relationships are hard to exhaustively conclude, and it is difficult to quantify their complexities, it is also true that they vividly exist and are an integral part of the family structures of those families with ADHD children. Clearly, there is a need to increase the amount of the data and information regarding such disconnects in order to try to explain whether there are any trends of misunderstandings among ethnicities or any other social groupings. The lack of this information leaves families and advisors applying similar therapeutical procedures to all families, while the causes and degrees of family disharmony may vary from one social group to the other (Kytja, 2004).

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A ttention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Family Functioning

Research shows that there is a connection between the genetic composition of an individual with ADHD and their condition. Although there is a need to further this study and quantify the extent through which such relations appear, it is agreed that they exist. The role of genetic composition in such a family is significant in determining the path that parents and children should follow, especially if the genetically responsible parent is identified (Johnston & Mash, 2001). While trying to avoid the birth of another kid with the condition, the married couple may start avoiding each other. It can create a devastating perception that the family may end up with children with the illness. In such a case, it slowly disintegrates, either by design or by coincidence.

The environment in which a family functions may also have adverse effects on the ADHD condition in it. When the disorder is mild and possibly undetected in the early ages, the surroundings in which the child is raised may determine the extent to which the condition would manifest itself (Kytja, 2004). Poor environment may create very h2 and punishing atmosphere making the initially mild condition very pronounced and possibly hard to manage. In this case, it is vital that parents are able to determine the state of their children from a very early age (Johnston & Mash, 2001). They may also be required to ensure that they have the best growing environment for their kid because there is no known standard one that such a child could be raised to get better or otherwise. When the environment escalates the ADHD condition in a child within a family, the person who is responsible for the creation of such atmosphere would possibly be regarded poorly. Moreover, his/her contribution to the worsening of the child’s condition may create a rift within the family. It is, therefore, paramount that more research to determine the conditions that could worsen mild ADHD is carried out. Furthermore, one should study the extent to which such an environment could create disharmony in a family (Kytja, 2004). A social tool could be a good addition to the research measuring the effects of the environment on both ADHD and the relationship amongst the family members.

Kytja (2004) argues that ADHD requires both behavioral and medical approach. This is a very plausible method because it would only be through therapy that a child would develop better cognitive and reflex abilities. In this case, the earlier the condition is identified and diagnosed, the better it is for the child because therapy can help in developing the otherwise underdeveloped parts of the brain from an early age. Eventually, the intensity of the disorder would be reduced to manageable levels and, eventually, the kid could lead a normal life. There is also evidence that gender is an important factor in the development of ADHD with boys being more prone to developing the condition than girls (Kytja, 2004).

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Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder maybe mild or acute. However, the treatment and therapy may either worsen or improve its condition. If a family member with ADHD gets better and has a better understanding of the environment and family lineage, future treatment and management of such conditions improve (Johnston & Mash, 2001). According to the readings, there are several forms of ADHD, but the treatment and management is not as diverse. In my opinion, dissecting the condition into many types but giving similar and interrelated therapy amounts to lack of diversity and depth. Furthermore, the different forms of the disorder have similar manifestations and management practices. The known data does not provide case-specific answers to avoid the family difficulties that ADHD children cause. In trying to disseminate the information that does not have ample solutions, especially in an issue where family and social integration are at stake, ADHD should be treated as a single form of condition (Johnston & Mash, 2001). By so doing, the society will avoid extensive preemption of the causes and the blames on one person. This information on the different forms of ADHD should, as a result, be removed and replaced with the various stages of the condition that exist, and the consequent effects of these stages on the family.

Another piece of information that should be taken away is the perception that ADHD would in most cases cause problems to a family. While this is a highly likely path, there remains a high level of uncertainty on whether families would always split in their views over their children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Johnston & Mash, 2001). The reading creates a euphoric understanding of the families with such a problem with more of the research leaning towards the high possibility that there would be conflicts arising from sick and ADHD children. Although there is a need to allow people to have as much knowledge on the condition and its effects on families as possible, it is equally important to have a reassuring tone. The paper provides information with almost certainty that there would be issues emanating from the condition in a family. However, such information should be changed and removed (Johnston & Mash, 2001).

Furthermore, biological factors are highly significant in the management and treatment of ADHD (Johnston & Mash, 2001). The gene composition and inheritance form an integral aspect that determines whether a child would have the disorder. Moreover, a mild biological condition could be escalated by the family environment and could also be reduced. In this case, the interaction between the biological conditions and the family, which forms the environment that a child is brought up in, remains very vital in dealing with ADHD. Proper understanding of the illness by knowing the causes as well as its effects on the family would lead to its better management. A workable reconciliation between these two factors would be an important addition to the research.

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Finally, there is a relationship between ADHD and other family factors. To create an adequate treatment program, these factors need to be taken into consideration, and a therapy around them has to be developed (Johnston & Mash, 2001). This would be best done through the creation of a tool that quantifies all of these aspects. Once it is developed, it would determine the extent to which different levels of treatment would be required. Furthermore, it would help to avoid situations where mild conditions would be treated as the h2 ones and vice versa. Moreover, with adequate quantifying, it would be easy to make the appropriate diagnosis, and the therapy would certainly be more effective than it is currently. It would also give deeper insights into the unknown issues about the condition because it would include small and often ignored details about ADHD (Johnston & Mash, 2001).


Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder has many effects on the family fabric. Johnston & Mash (2001) appreciate this fact and explain the different situations that may be regarded as important for consideration. Although they overlook a few aspects of the condition and its impact on the family, they have done an excellent job taking into account that the research on the influence is scanty and leaves more to be done. Undoubtedly, one has to develop special tools to evaluate these connections and quantify their effects on family and society.

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