World War 1


World War 1 was fought across Europe, European colonies and the neighboring seas in the course of August 1st 1914 and November 11th 1918. The unrestricted submarine warfare, initiated by the Germans on January 9th 1917, was the major concern that led Woodrow Wilson to request Congress to declare War on Germany. America later chose to intervene and join on the side of the allies. The years after World War 1 were a significant defining period in the making of the American nation.


The shift from a period of war to period of peace caused many Americans to embrace in the new culture of consumerism. The political leaders during that period resisted the idea of internationalism and decided to be independent and make their country a better place. This display of First World War that finished with so many casualties prompted the United States government and its people a new position regarding war. Following the war, Americans sensed that they had been too quick in joining a war in Europe. This feeling resulted to a new era of diplomacy that took account of not engaging with European conflicts.

World War 1 brought major consequences on the U.S. economy. First, almost ten million soldiers died and approximately twenty one million soldiers were wounded. The total deaths in U.S. amounted to 116, 516. Casualty deaths and property in the World War 1 were astounding. Additionally, 5 million civilians and 9 million combatants were also killed. Second, the economic consequences of the war were considerable for the United States. The cost of sustaining armed forces of a surplus four million was above $ 1 million per hour for 25 months, approximately 21.85 billion dollars caused by the war. Directs costs and indirect costs utilized during that period amounted to $ 186 billion and $ 151 billion respectively. Third, the World War 1 also had a major consequence in the 1918 influenza epidemic and other war-induced epidemics.

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Similar with battle losses, conversely, were the deaths attributed to diseases, comprising of the great influenza epidemic that killed the ranks of the entire army in 1918. Pneumonia pandemic resulted to 40,000 deaths, 25,000 deaths were associated with the flu pandemic in both the AEF (America Expeditionary Forces) and the camps stateside. From mid-September 1918 to the armistice, almost 370,000 cases of pneumonia and influenza killed troops in the United States. The disease resulted to 50% of the total dead from all origins in the American Navy and Army (Byerly, 2010).

The World War 1 changed the role of U.S., since she became the most highly industrialized country during and after the period. Mass production of cars generated a nationwide prosperity and led to one of the most insightful social changes in America’s history. World War 1 played a major and beneficial role since it allowed the United States to develop into the world’s leading creditor as well as industrial power. The United States economy experienced a stable growth by expanding during the 1920s after the World War 1. Three factors that stimulated this economic growth were factories, machines and the process of standardized mass production. The 1920s economic boom in the U.S. was attributed to other sources including the effect of World War 1 on technology.

As a result of the World War 1, industries boomed since manufacturers had to keep production up to the rate required to sustain the war. On the contrary, since the war made considerable economic planning necessary due to the necessitated massive industrial mobilization required to maintain the war effort, rapid inflation and severe economic impact were the aftermath results. For instance, the damaging inflation led participants to break from the gold standard and issue currency liberally, additionally, huge national debts led to higher taxes for several years. Hence, the World War 1 was both beneficial and detrimental in the U.S (Lozada, 2011).


The United States joined the war at the period of the Allies’ utmost need. Despite of the devastating effects, the greatest impact of World War 1 was a transition in the landscape of proposals about economics to the appropriate role of U.S. government in economic activities. Hence, the new diplomacy and antiwar sentiment influenced America’s entrance into World War II.

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