A running record is one quick child assessment method. It evaluates a student’s comprehension and reading level. The method examines both errors and accuracy. It is mostly used in finding students’ levels of reading, fluency checks and to identify comprehension weaknesses.
This process only requires a few minutes and is done first hand. Assessment is suitably done after five weeks where a baseline assessment is done just after holidays to determine the reading levels of the children. Running record results are kept in the children’s respective files.
One requires to have prepared running record forms, books of various levels, clock timers or any other timer, calculators and writing material e.g. pencils.
Once prepared, one decides on the text to be read by the children with emphasis on their levels.
One then has to take the students through a tutorial on what is expected of them siting that they will have to read aloud and that there is room to figure out a word and that if they can’t get it together they should skip it and continue with the reading. After this one reads the title of the article and hands the students the text then follow on as the child reads noting any insertions or any other errors during which the teacher decides to either time the student or not. After they are done give a score and retest them for a suitable instructional reading level grading.
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Using the results, you can now use it to form study groups for the students. As time goes by, one might realize that some children are improving or decelerating in their reading. Here one can administer a quick running record test to figure out if it is an improvement or a problem on the other hand.
After a regular use of running records to access the children, one would be in a position to know the strengths and weaknesses of each child and also have a general awareness of the capability of their class. It could hence boost teacher-student interaction as the teacher is able to assist a student according to their area of need.
The students also get to improve their speaking and reading skills after encountering the running record tests quite often. A constant administration leads to a general excellence in communication skills.
This exercise also improves the speed of comprehension and also in fluency in speech. This is as a result of the student being timed during the running record exercise.
As a result, it will be quite efficient for me as a teacher to give instructions to the students as I am able to know the language intensity to use and also the speed of my communication according to the students’ comprehension rate as given by the running record analysis. Running records will also ease the students’ communication with me such that in case of any misunderstanding or in case of need of clarity, the students will be in a position to enquire accordingly.
It is thereby quite in order to rate the running record analysis as a high ranking learning kit which improves student capabilities and enhances teacher-student relation towards an easier higher quality of learning.