The number of divorce rates in the United States has peaked, but the number of couples divorcing is still significant as compared to those who have successful marriages. Over years, there has been a heated debate about the impact of divorce in the society and the overall consequence divorce causes to other institutions in society (Shepard, 2009). However, there is no consensus on divorce as some people highlight its positive aspects, while others concentrate on the negative outcomes of divorce. Some individuals believe that divorce offers married couples the opportunity of escaping from an unfit marriage, but others believe that divorce has its share of negative consequences, as well. In any marriage, where a couple divorces, society bears that the brunt of divorce leads to in increasing the poverty, victimization of children, and lagging academic accomplishment.
There is no doubt that divorce increases the poverty rate of children and women in the society, who are more vulnerable to poverty, and remain exposed to economic turmoil. In the recent past, some studies reveal that many cases of divorce endanger women and children into poverty as some women are dependent on their husbands (Mink & O’Connor, 2004). Given the prevalence of this configuration among many families, divorce is likely to create a surge in the poverty levels among women and children. When families divorce, society experiences a spate of poverty as children and women have to contend with fewer resources, unlike husbands who may have secure means of earning a living. The issue of divorce, thus, creates a significant impact that has far-reaching effects on societal poverty levels. When it comes up to a divorce case, it is clear that children will have to experience changes in childcare that can make them vulnerable, which is most evident in girls in need of public care. The consequences of poor childcare will also stress welfare services of society in providing more support for the children from divorced families than for those living with both parents.
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Society has a role of shaping children and nurturing them into responsible persons, but divorce strips society off this role making children victims of functionless families. Children have an essential part to play in the creation of a robust and health society, made up of responsible and law-abiding community. However, couples who divorce disrupt the relationship between children and society, which hinders a society from developing moral character among children. Consequently, children living with single parents are more likely to become deviant because society cannot have a firm grip on them as compared to children from intact families. As a result, society is likely to face the challenge dealing with minors bending to cause crimes. This explains why many societies are dealing with issues of drug abuse and other vices such as homicide, and premarital sex among adolescents (Messner et al., 2006). Indeed, divorce will make society vulnerable to delinquency and crimes from children with single parents care.
Divorce among families is a contributing factor to lagging academic achievement among children from single parents, which has a negative impact on societal well-being. Academic achievement among children is a positive indicator of societal success, but divorce has a negative impact on the learning processes (Shepard, 2009). For instance, children with intact families are likely to have more attention from their parents to their academic studies than those living with single parents. Children from single parents are likely to have low academic achievement, which will have a negative influence on the well-being of a society where education is vital.
Indeed, divorce offers couples the opportunity to escape an unfit marriage. However, divorce has negative effects on society. Divorce exposes women and children to poverty, as they have to provide for their needs. In addition, divorce makes children victims of crimes and social deviance that makes society suffer. Most important, divorce contributes to lagging in academic achievement among children from single parents than those with both parents.